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Laxatives losing weight - laxatives losing weight

01-02-2017 à 10:44:09
Laxatives losing weight
Go for a walk, eat some fresh green vegetables, drink enough water etc. Once the laxative use is stopped, most, if not all, the weight lost will be regained fairly quickly. Electrolytes are important to the functioning human body. You need to focus on healthy foods and exercises. While some quick weight loss may be obtained, most of the pounds shed are from loss of water weight. Actually, the weight loss resulted after consuming laxatives is the loss of water weight, not fat. Laxatives can cause nausea in some people, which is an uncomfortable feeling that can last for up to 3 days after taking a laxative. Vomitting can occur with laxative use because the medication in the laxatives upset the lining in the stomach. With laxative use, some people do not realize that they are also cleansing themselves of important nutrients and calories, affecting their natural fat absorption, and upsetting their electrolyte levels. Because of this, it is important to choose a gentle laxative that specifically states that is does not cause cramps. Diarrhea is a common side effect of laxative use. Quora Sign In Fitness (evolution) Laxatives Healthy Dieting Healthy Dieting Practices Healthy Weight Loss Diets Weight Loss Healthy Eating Health How does taking laxatives make you lose weight. Does abusing laxatives for weight loss entail certain dangerous risks. This is dangerous because it can lead to dehydration. What are the best foods to eat when you want to lose weight. Submit any pending changes before refreshing this page. Some are even experimenting with using laxatives to lose weight as a quick solution. Please do NOT take laxatives in effort to lose weight. Again, this side effect is usually caused by dehydration. Therefore, they are often considered as a treatment of constipation.

Therefore, once the consumption of laxatives is stopped, the weight is put back on very quickly. Instead of choosing plans for long-term healthy weight loss by exercising and eating healthy, some people are attempting to lose weight as quickly as possible, even if it means using unhealthy methods to do so. Frequent bowel movements caused by laxatives tend to give people a false sense of being cleansed. In terms of losing weight, the feel that eating laxatives and overall ingesting a lot of fiber will somehow prevent them from eating more and result in weight loss. Update Cancel Answer Wiki 37 Answers Joe Di Lillo, No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. Not only are laxatives not the ideal way to permanently lose weight, they can be very unhealthy for the body and can create many unpleasant side effects. Other serious possible consequences from taking laxatives to lose weight are. Will a one week juice fast make me lose weight. Are there alternatives out there that work better. Unfortunately, however, many people are unaware that laxative abuse comes with numerous, unpleasant consequences and can even result in death. Many of my skinny friends swears by these. However, excess intake of them may results in diarrhea. All in all, I suppose that you should not use laxatives as a treatment for losing weight. Sally Hughes, Certified in fitness and nutrition Written 35w ago Oh good heavens. Laxatives basically are foods, medicines or certain compounds used to help boost the reduction of undigested food from the intestine and colon. Hope my answer helps you and your friend. This normally happens when a person becomes very weak from diarrhea and dehydration. A lot of people nowadays look for quick fixes to weight loss, so they find laxatives as a recipe.

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